LOAN WHO? OH You mean OOBALINK!!!!!!!

Posted by the Hunter | 5:03 PM | 0 comments »

So now that OOBA has
fully integrated LOANLINK
into the fold -


has been born.

Parent and grandparent - OOBALINK and OOBA have established their footprint on the african planet with offspring WIZARD and QUANTRO.

Saul Geffen - OOBA's pappa and Piet de Jongh - OOBALINK's oobappappa both firmly agree, this is the force of the future and the others will always be followers. First as Mortgage Originators, first as MO franchiser's, first with the OOBA Insurance products and first with the best service offering you can get. Good boys!!!!!!!

Not the DODO but the CROCODILE (By the way did you know that the first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B. C.[Does this explain Crocodile Dung Dee?]!! )- SURVIVING the MORTGAGE JUNGLE and growing, growing and getting better daily.

Strong mortgage originator brands such as WIZARD are now even stronger under the wings of OOBA and the other brand QUANTRO also gets the same kick into life - its great to see.

WIZARD - who are the strongest franchise brand, is run by innovative entrepreneurs and focus 100% on client satisfaction. Like the all the animals in OOBAWORLD, welcome to OOBA LIFE!