Come on peeps. Stop all this bantering and raving and negativity. Stop of the bollocks. Quite frankly if Mr Geffen sent a letter out to his staff telling them they're about to loose their jobs well, it should've been private and stayed private but South Africans love causing SHIT and love stirring the pot.
According to reports from IOL.co.za " Lew Geffen, head of Sotheby's International Realty South Africa, to his franchise owners in which he predicted the pending crash at a 40 percent decrease, adding that there were 60 percent fewer buyers in the market now than at the same time last year.While other industry players have lashed back rejecting his predictions, Maurice Levin, PR manager for Sotheby's, has defended Geffen's claims."Lew is not afraid to pronounce that the industry is in a pickle. Many agency bosses talk it up because their livelihood depends on it," he said."
So what people, are you telling me that this all comes as a surprise???

New credit act, banks changing lending policies, inflation increases, GLOBAL crashes in the mortgage origination business, petrol price increases yadayadayadayada....
It's tiresome, business is slow, it's declining and let me tell you, we're going to see companies closing down in what is a very very over saturated market!!! REINVENT YOURSELF!!!
1. It's giving you the chance to diversify your business
2. It's giving you the chance to make changes to the way you work
3. It's time to find alternate ways and means of reaching out to world and showing them who you are
1. Property prices are dropping, this means that your average house price which at the end of last year was out of the reach of first time buyers is now coming back into our grasps.
2. We're now able to get those amazing deals that we would never have been able to get 6 months ago.
3. We're no longer being FORCED to by crap, we can be picky and choose.
4. We're no longer wasting money on fancy cars and investing in a good property is now back to the number 1 expense and investment in your lives!
People, this is how a country should be. We should not be wasting money on unnecessary RUBBISH! Cars are not your most valuable asset and never will be. Stop buying at Woolworths and start shopping around for specials.
It's time to get clever, it's time to drop the debt and start saving so that you can afford YOUR DREAM HOUSE!!!